1-Vita Flex Therapy and the holographic principle

Vita Flex Therapy comprises of chipping away at parts of the body that contain the data of the person simply like a 3D image. The pieces of the body that we back rub are those open with the fingers, for example feet, legs, hands, arms, front of the body, back of the body, collarbones, face, ears and skull. In Vita Flex treatment we call those piece of the body, maps. Every one of these maps is a holographic portrayal of the physical, passionate, mental, fiery and otherworldly angles. Every one of these multi dimensional images (maps) is an entrance by which your whole existence can be gotten to. The other part of the holographic rule is that each guide (multi dimensional image) that we deal with contains various subtleties of the individual.

2-Vita Flex Therapy and the Yin and Yang principle

In Vita Flex Therapy, we fuse the Yin and Yang rule in our work and we consider the components that are reciprocal to each other 'sounds'. There are a few sorts of sounds used in Vita Flex Therapy.

3-Vita Flex Therapy is similar and different to reflexology

During Vita Flex Therapy your feet and hands are massaged as is done in Reflexology, 

4-Vita Flex Therapy and the Mind-Body connection

The idea of Mind-Body depends on the understanding that the brain and body are not two discrete and free substances. Or maybe, they are two firmly related and reliant parts of one reality. Basically the body, psyche and 'soul' are one. Our physical bodies, together with our contemplations, sentiments, feelings, discernments, frames of mind, bits of knowledge, awareness and the subliminal are on the whole indistinguishable, interweaved and joined together. It might be said we can say that the body contains the psyche and furthermore that the brain contains the body.


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