
The frameworks

In level 1 you have taken in the methods to give a general treatment.

In level 2 you will learn various strategies to focus on the body frameworks.

Through these strategies the impact of Vita Flex Therapy on the patient will be duplicated by numerous components.

You will likewise get familiar with the bodymind of every framework.

Strategy for the body frameworks:

Section 1 - The endocrine and sensory system

Section 2 - The musculoskeletal framework

Section 3 - The stomach related framework

Section 4 - The respiratory framework

Section 5 - The circulatory framework

Section 6 - The lymphatic framework, the insusceptible framework and the blood

Section 7 - The urinary framework and conceptive framework

Section 8 - The extraordinary faculties for example seeing and hearing

Section 9 - The integument framework

Working the body frameworks with the Vita Flex Therapy strategy for recording

You will learn through an organized documenting framework to work the diverse body framework. What's more, you will have the option to structure your methodology and focus to the need of the patient.

Vita Flex Therapy Level 2 clinical workshop

Clinical workshop on the musculoskeletal framework

You will give 5 medicines to 2 people with states of the musculoskeletal framework. In a regulated domain you will set up an organized arrangement to focus on the particular needs of the patient.

Recording framework for the musculoskeletal framework - 5hrs

Treatment for the musculoskeletal framework - 10hrs

Clinical work on the body frameworks

You will give 5 medicines to 2 people.

In an administered situation, you will choose the fitting framework

treatment for every person.

You will build up an arrangement for the individual's conditions.

Documenting framework for the chose treatment - 5hrs

Use of the chose treatment - 10hrs

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